Thursday, July 20, 2006


It is hard for me to type right now, i have been so honoured with your amazing kindness, my tears unfortunately will not stop. i will be writing to each and every one of you to say thank you as soon as I can. Remember, no obstacle is so great that it should ever keep you from your dream. "Believe and in your heart you know, that no one can change the path that you must go."
I love you all, thank you, I have never known such love in my life. thank you.


Blogger wonderland said...

malan, i really was shocked that you were sent away, but i guess i shouldn't have been, after last season's chloe win fiasco. you are a very interesting designer and i esp loved your spring collection, the luscious red and black mini dress. so beautiful! i see from looking at the internet today that i was not alone in my shock over your early dismissal. the show lost one of its more compelling characters and you left just as you were starting to make friends. but i can see you will go on to great things. believe me, you made an impact on every PR viewer and we will be following your career! it is fascinating to me that you do film and music as well. i will be watching to see how things go for you. all best, patty

1:04 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth Anne Easter said...


It is truly a travesty that you were kicked off. I vowed to never watch the show again, but I fear I will not be able to follow through on that. I find it incredible that they chose you over Angela. And by the way, I quite liked the gown. I saw room for improvement, but it was certainly NOT nearly the worst of all of the gowns.

You are quite talented and beautiful, and will go very far in life.

Love and respect,


2:05 PM  
Blogger Ginny said...

Apparently Tim's podcast on the Project Runway site for this episode includes some compliments for your integrity - and that he wished he'd known what Angela was doing in the workroom at the time.

While on that site I read your bio page and was surprised to know that you had lived in Utah. I grew up there as an "outsider" and can only imagine at what it was like for you. I will have more to say on the matter later on my regular blog.

My best wishes for success and happiness in the future go to you, Malan.

2:47 PM  
Blogger jasmine said...

Malan, I'm *so* disappointed and shockedthat you were eliminated. You were one of my favorite contestants, not only because of your designs, but because of your interesting personality. I think you're so talanted, and I'm sure you'll be successful! : )

3:22 PM  
Blogger yomister said...

Malan, You demonstrated a great deal of dignity and proven yourself a man of great talent. Well done.

Best wishes.

4:05 PM  
Blogger stephanie fabbro said...

Malan, thank you. Your words last night were heartbreaking but love will get you, and all of us, through.

So what do you say? Do you like to ski?

4:45 PM  
Blogger grudge girl said...

You deserve all the good wishes and more! There aren't enough people in the world who strive to create beauty, all the while maintaining their integrity and innate sweetness and grace. You are such a person, and I think that's what we've all responded to. Such a manner of walking through the world should be encouraged, and will be rewarded in the end!

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still in shock that you won't be o the show next week! Just know that people love you and can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Thank you for being such a genuine, sweet person and on a reality show - imagine that!

Keep up with your blog so that we can all keep up with you!


6:38 PM  
Blogger Bobo said...

I was so looking forward to seeing your work-now I am so sad..... You seem like such a wonderful person and what you said at the end touched my heart - as I'm sure it did many others. I am sure you will be more successful in the future even than you are today.

Good luck!

6:46 PM  
Blogger baphomette said...

You definitely deserve everyone's good wishes and more! It's rare when someone accepts such a decision with as much grace and dignity as you did. Hell, I know I couldn't have done it. As someone else commented, WWD were ever-so-right when they named you one to watch. You are a doll!

8:05 PM  
Blogger Felix said...

Hey Malan,

I watched the first episode twice just wanted to confirme that the place you said you were born was Taiwan!
Today I was shocked to see you out of the show, seriously, u r my favorite, not only you were born in my mother country, but also you're a very unique person, and seemed very very nice! Though I'm not a fashion designer, but I do like the dress you made, keep up all the good works, we're here for you!



8:06 PM  
Blogger Vee said...

Malan, I was devastated to learn that you were leaving the show. Truly, the producers of PR have absolutely no taste in the finer nuances of fashion. I suppose you weren't 'commercial' enough for their liking...but that is their loss, truly.

Good luck with your next collection. I eagerly await your latest creations--and know that you do not need a reality show to prove how talented you are.



8:31 PM  
Blogger Belle said...

Malan, frankly, you are too good for PR ... in every way.

I have been an ardent fan of PR since the first episode of the first season, but I have decided to not watch it anymore because that decision reeked too much. (And I am not the boycotting type nor the reality show type!)

Keep on being you, sweetie (a talented and beautiful sweetie).


8:39 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I too have a mom who shreds dreams, Malan, and when I heard you speak about your mother, I was so impressed with your bravery and openess. I wish I were as strong as you.
What a mistake that you were voted off - for all the reasons I've seen written here. We liked getting to know you. Good luck to you.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I was completely shocked when Angela stayed over you... she behaved like such a prat. It was obvious you had the more potential :(

9:18 PM  
Blogger C Merry said...

Oh the mother mention broke my heart the most I know that feeling and it still goes on so when I hear someone else suffering I want to cry and pull for them. Tell your mother, Malan, to read these pages and she'll know she missed out on so many years of creative thought and art and maybe (?) she'll change and even if not, this is real, people admire and love you so please do not feel sad (I know easier said than done but...) Madam Breton, your son is wonderful. Please with all respect to you, open your eyes and see..

9:22 PM  
Blogger Jonna said...

Malan, I have to admit that the first PR3 show I didn't like you much. But I did admire your designs. Knowing that most things in life are political I'm not surprise that you left the show. But I am greatly saddened by it. As the show was progressing I was starting to like you as a person also.....there was a sweet sadness to you that you seemed to try to hide with your bravado. Good Luck in the future and with your designing....never give it up.

11:11 PM  
Blogger Mags said...


There was something in your demeanor that resonated with me, and I was very disheartened to see you dismissed off of the show in the 2nd round.

I hope the day will come when the world can experience your vision and point of view from a design perspective.

You were truly my favorite going into this competition. I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.

12:06 AM  
Blogger Rochelle said...

Two days later and I'm still upset that you were auf'd by Heidi. Normally I agree with the Project Runway judges, but this is the first time I was in total and complete shock. For what it's worth, thank you for being you. I enjoyed watching you for the short time you were on PR. I wish you much success! Take care...

12:10 AM  
Blogger Lara said...

Malan - I too am the progeny of an unsupportive, critical mother. At every turn, she put me down. Anything I wanted to do, the response was always, "You can't do that." I wanted to study architecture and interior design: "You can't do that. You need to be able to draw and you can't." I wanted to major in vocal performance: "Oh no, I wouldn't do that. You have a nice voice, but it's nothing special." So, I understand and empathize with your pain. What people like us have to learn to do is delete that virus, so to speak, from the hard drive in our hearts and upload a more positive, loving message. We have to find our strength and self-conviction from within since we were not taught that we are unique and talented individuals that can succeed whatever we put our heart and souls into. I wish you so much success and love in life. Please do not take the cut from PR as evidence that your mother was right and you will never amount to anything. It couldn't be further from the truth. I hope it doesn't take you 35 years to figure that all out like it did for me.

6:15 AM  
Blogger MuffinGal said...

You were ripped off. Even if the judges didn't like your dress, Miss USA knew that Angela presented nothing in their meeting. That alone plus her saboteur behavior was enough for an auf wiedersehen.

I wanted to see more of you! I will miss you on PR! ^_^

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malan, your departure was heartbreaking. Every season, someone wonderful gets booted too soon and unforch, it was you. Jeffrey should have been on the chopping block for that horrid 'frankengown' he cobbled together out of the wreckage of 4 bad ideas.

9:23 AM  
Blogger daisy4given said...

I know that countless others have said the same thing, but i just want to join the masses - you should NOT have been out!! I don't know what happened there, the talentless freeloading Angela should have gone. You have a passionate, artistic spirit, and best of all, you have lots of talent and heart! I was shocked and saddened to see you go, and I will be watching for you in the future. You have hoards of fans now, Malan, so don't keep us wanting!! With love and admiration, KD.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Harper said...

I am blown away that you were eliminated, Malan! Considering the excessive drama and just plain bad design happening around you on that runway, it was just totally unfair!
I would love to see your gown after an entire week and a few fittings to really showcase and complete it. It would have blown then away. xoxo

2:45 PM  
Blogger ZigKvetch said...

Malan, I was surprised and saddened to see you go. You were fun to watch and I'd looked forward to learning more about you this season. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and instead should be proud that you stuck with a design you believed in and conducted yourself with class and sensitivity.

Think of it this way- it's always good for a performer or artist to "leave 'em wanting more," and although your journey on PR has come to an end, it sounds like you're ready to take your designs to the next level. And now you'll have legions of new fans following!

Best wishes for much success.

8:22 PM  

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