Monday, July 24, 2006


I went to an open mike tonight and sang, it was so therapeutic, there is an old standard I love called bewitched, it makes me remember the happiest times in my life, wow they were amazing. Oh well, it was really nice, I wonder how many of my new friends are singers, dancers, etc. I remember reading that kathleen battle never found her voice until she was 26, never trained. That is amazing, well I must sleep, but I hope you all have beautiful dreams.


Blogger C Merry said...

I sing.. very differently from your song but its the feeling of expression thats important. You should post these nights so people can come cheer you on but I also know sometimes the annon performance is nice, just the mysterious man in black at the mic and no one knows you and you can just open up to strangers you may never see again (or maybe you will if they liked what you did). Glad you had a wonderful time :)

6:53 AM  
Blogger snafu said...

I hope you are doing well! I really think (from watching Project Runway) that you are an interesting and talented person. You were my pick to go far, so I was very disappointed when you were kicked off. I hope to meet you one day!

7:17 AM  
Blogger said...

Bewitched, bothered and bewildered, just about sums up how the cat feels when I sing...

9:07 AM  
Blogger arienette said...

I was entirely disappointed and crushed when they cut you from project runway. What a wrong, wrong decision. I was so excited to see the wonderful things you would create.
Today I "googled" you in a quest to know more, and what a pleasant surprise to find that you have so many projects!
I, too, am a singer. This is my passion. In my tiny town, we have an open mic each first thursday of the month. I'm always there, playing the piano and singing my heart out. It's such a lovely time.
Fashion used to be a huge passion of mine. I wanted to become a model. Sad to say, I didn't grow any taller than 5'5", which thoroughly crushed those dreams. haha.
But life goes on, and you are so inspiring to me. Someday, when I move to New York, I will visit you and beg you to make me something beautiful to wear to the music awards.
Keep smiling.

10:53 AM  
Blogger stephanie fabbro said...

I've sung before in front of crowds, and although I think I have a great voice, I do believe they'd beg to differ, aahahahah.

I read on your myspace that you're into Brazilian Girls. That's awesome. What a great band.. I love Homme. You should listen to Sondre Lerche, you'd probably like his music.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

thank you for not closing up or shutting down as your fanbase grows. i'm so happy to see that you are still out there, no matter the set back.

8:10 PM  
Blogger somethingsomething said...

I love singing alone in my house. There's just something so sacred about it to me that there's this one part of me that no one will ever hear. Sure, I've sung in musical theatre and my drama teacher even made me sing a solo in front of the parents. But it's not the same voice, the same me that sings all alone.

8:30 AM  
Blogger Hephaestion said...

Is that true about Kathleen Battle? I adore her voice. I still recall the first time I heard her sing. It was a Vienna New Year's Day concert in the 1980's, and I was driving around the hills of Tennessee looking at bluebirds as I listened to her glorious voice. I went home and wrote her a little waltz called the "Bluebird Waltz," and the dear gal was kind enough to send me a letter thanking me for it. I still think her voice was the most pure perfection I ever heard.

6:04 PM  

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