I beg of you
I need to ask a really big favour, I love your adoration of the show and I love that I am meeting all of you. Please can you not ask me what happens, I dont know, if I did I would still be there, it just makes me very sad to think that my experience is over, I really enjoyed being there with all of those people, they were all so lovely, and I love Tim and Heidi and so much. I was so sad when I had to go, please lets talk about other things, like you.
You are so gifted in so many areas, it will be no problem to concentrate on your designs and news. You have so many interesting things going on!
Thank you for sharing your sketch with us. That was exciting!
I hope your saddness fades to a certain level of pride...
I loved the idea of your designs...and find you fascinating...
BLah blah blah...Me? Well...I'm a boring single gal surviving in Alaska.
M. Breton -
Quand j'étais petite, mes parents ont voyagé avec moi en Europe, et alors j'ai quelques memoires qui me hantent avec leur impressions de son et lumière. Il y a une particulièrement ou j’etais dans le lobby d’un hôtel, avec un piano qui tintait, et des belles dames qui cliquetait sur le marbre avec leurs talons hauts. Cette memoire est le clé d’un monde d’elegance qui a disparu rapidement dans les années soixante, et dont j’ai toujours voulu etre partie.
Même si j’ai passé mon enfance dans une ville universitaire au Texas, je suis allée à l’opera, la symphonie et le ballet à Houston, et j’ai rêvé—littéralement—des robes en soies volumineuses. J’ai appris a coudre pour avoir un goût de cette beauté.
Je suis une adoptée, et j’ai eu des parents hors du commun, et alors je n’ai jamais pu me fondre dans la masse. En vous, Malan, j'ai reconnu un âme sœur—quelq’un qui est de de nulle part et de partout, de personne et de tout le monde, d’aucune ère et de toutes les ères. Moi, j’aime aussi la musique, le film, et le style des années trentes et quarantes, et contre le meilleurs efforts de ma coiffeuse, je porte mes cheveux encore dans le style de Veronica Lake. J'aime aussi chanter les "jazz standards" de Porter, Berlin, Arlen, et Ellington.
Fatiguée avec mon boulot ici à Austin, je suis en train de chercher un emploi à New York ou je peux mieux utiliser mes talents comme écrivant (en Anglais, bien sûr; mon Français est tellement rouillé!). Si vous voulez, lisez mon blog à www.arsenicjulep.blogspot.com ou écrivez-moi. Je vous souhaite la meilleur chance dans la vie!
Landi's Pork Store in Brooklyn has the best rice balls this side of the Atlantic. Run out and get some...
Gosh, you're so sweet to ask about *us* :o)
Well, I'm trying to be a NYC dancer (or Las Vegas, or Los Angeles - truthfully, if you offer me a paying job I'll get on a plane [unless its headed to Alaska. I really dislike cold weather. But now I'm getting off on a tangent]}
I love tea, antique books, wearing fabulous clothing every day, and travel.
I went to Japan for my birthday a few years ago and am currently plotting my return.
I wish I could speak and write French as beautifully as ArsenicJulep, but I still have to work up to that.
I'm starting Ramapo College in the fall, still trying to figure out what to do with my life. I know nothing with math or science but that's pretty much the sole guidlines I have. So I'll see what happens in the college enviroment.
I was in the city yesterday trying to get in a special screening of Little Miss Sunshine with Steve Carrell and Greg Kinnear. But I didn't. So my friend and I just meandered around Time Square, which I never do I usually just pass through. We walked through Toys 'R' Us and I bought a Yaz CD at Virgin Megastore that was having an 80s CD and DVD sale. It was the first time I ever took a bus into NYC and I realized that I really do love my train.
Aw, sweetie. You are right, out with the old, in with the new. I'd love to see your new collection be a smash and usher in a new era of the class, harkening back to the halcyon days of Daisy Buchanan and Nick Carraway.
Well, I was going to send you a letter on my reaction, but...no need to beg. I hope the blackout isn't affecting you. My apartment in Brooklyn had a brown-out last night. My lights went willy nilly for a bit. I made a tasty fruit salad for dinner--cherries, melon, pears, berries and grapes. And my cat had sardines, but no toast. He is in love with the sparrows across the yard. Sometimes I sew him little catnip socks made from discarded fabric scraps. I also like to knit. How's that?
Hey Malan!
After our emails, I decided to start posting in my blog I started in December last year on wine.
I'll talk your ear off on the wine, no worries about PR, won't be as exciting anyway without you on it.
oh, that's right...I was supposed to talk about myself. Sorry, pet. I'm an illustrator (by nature,not trade) who has a teeny tiny online shop where I sell my miniscule offerings to the world of culture. Feel free to pop by.
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