My favourite movies are silent black and white films, with grand sets, thousands of extras and beautifully orchestrated music that evokes emotion as the film peaks its story. My favourite is "Modern Times" by a multimedia mogul perhaps the earliest Charlie Chaplin a genius man who wrote directed orchestrated and starred in all of his own films also creating one of the worlds most memorable characters, the tramp,. Nearly Ninety years after his creation of this character I dressed in a tramp costume I designed for halloween and people from all walks of life all ethnicities, races knew the character and there was such excitement, if there was a modern day character that brought such joy and hope in a time where the world was suffering, sort of like now, would we remember it as well. I wonder...
Do what you can , smile at someone you would not normally , say hello to someone you dont know, lift up your chin and say I can do it I can change my life for the better and my world for the better, never believe that there is no hope because once upon a time I had nothing and now after years of taking baby steps, my world has begun..
When someone says you will never succeed in your dream say yes I will, as a child I never had support for what I believed in but I believed in me and I did it. The world is full of diversity everyone is beautiful and intelligent in their own way be you straight, gay, fat, thin, the norm or not. Who is to say what the norm should be, you are who you are, believe in that dont try to change for others or try to please them because in the end no matter how hard you try they are never happy and you are miserable.
Love what and who you are , and if you dont, take a deep look at what it is that is making you unhappy and change it, but thats the funny thing no matter how stuck we feel we are we have the power to change it.
They say we only use 5 percent of our brains potential, try to learn something new every day, I speak seven languages, I learned to dance , sing, act , to sew, design, play piano, tuba, flute, and violin,write, photography, I learned it all by being aware of what was around me, taking chances.
Never be afraid to talk about what your doing with anyone and everyone, its called networking , and I have taken on work, lessons, etc through just putting the word out there that I was interested in something. When I had everything to place on the table that is when It all came back to me,
I was discovered by one of the top fashion pr firms as a model, this after years of being told I was fat and ugly and to pale as a child.
I was discovered by william morris as an actor and voice artist, after years of being told I was wasting my time that my dreams would never amount to anything, and that my resonant deep voice was scary.
I have discovered that people want to help you succeed if they can see your passion your drive.
So take this opportunity to show the world you can do it, leave the evil meanies behind you, the naysayers, the unsupportive past. that is baggage you can leave, like old clothes you never think of or wear again, give these things away clean out your closet and believe. You can do it, if I can so can you...
The world is a beautiful place, but its even more beautiful when you believe. Then when you believe tell the world your story because it could teach another and give them hope, we are teachers all of us, we have something to give back for the beautiful of life we have received, and laugh , laugh like you have never laughed before.